"누리위키:연습장"의 두 판 사이의 차이

누리위키, 온 누리의 백과사전
(새 주제: 테스트)
(모듈:Check for unknown parameters: 새 문단)
(사용자 8명의 중간 판 33개는 보이지 않습니다)
62번째 줄: 62번째 줄:
== 테스트3 ==
== 테스트 ==
== 테스트4 ==
== 테스트 ==
== math 테스트 ==
<nowiki><math>\mathbf{a'}=\mathbf{a} - \boldsymbol{\alpha}\;</math></nowiki>
<math>\mathbf{a'}=\mathbf{a} - \boldsymbol{\alpha}\;</math>
== 관련 문 ==
{{#related:Test with read more}}
{{#related:Another test page}}
== 연습장두번째 ==
#  개요
#  주요일정
{| class="wikitable"
! No. !! Activity !! Contents
| 1 || Analysis || As-Is
| 2 || Design || To-Be
| 3 || Implementation || Test
#  투입비용
#  투입인력
#  참고문서
#  '''''맺음말'''''
[https://namu.wiki/w/%EC%84%9C%EC%95%88%20%ED%94%BC%EB%9D%BC%EB%AF%B8%EB%93%9C%20%EA%B3%A0%EC%A1%B0%EC%84%A0%20%EB%AC%B8%EB%AA%85%EC%84%A4 만주피라미드]
  [[파일:Red Apple.jpg|100px]]<ref>사과받으세요^^</ref><br>
[https://tip.daum.net/question/3131977 만주피라미드]를 소개합니다.
== 모듈:Message box ==
-- This is a meta-module for producing message box templates, including
-- {{mbox}}, {{ambox}}, {{imbox}}, {{tmbox}}, {{ombox}}, {{cmbox}} and {{fmbox}}.
-- Load necessary modules.
local getArgs
local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler')._main
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local localize = mw.loadData('Module:Message box/localize')
-- Get a language object for formatDate and ucfirst.
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
-- Helper functions
local function getTitleObject(...)
-- Get the title object, passing the function through pcall
-- in case we are over the expensive function count limit.
local success, title = pcall(mw.title.new, ...)
if success then
return title
local function union(t1, t2)
-- Returns the union of two arrays.
local vals = {}
for i, v in ipairs(t1) do
vals[v] = true
for i, v in ipairs(t2) do
vals[v] = true
local ret = {}
for k in pairs(vals) do
table.insert(ret, k)
return ret
local function getArgNums(args, prefix)
local nums = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
local num = mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$')
if num then
table.insert(nums, tonumber(num))
return nums
local function getDate(date)
-- convert yyyy-mm or yyyy-mm-dd to 'yyyy년 m월'
local pattern1 = '^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)$'
local pattern2 = '^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)$'
if date then
local y, m, _
y, m = date:match(pattern1)
if not y then
y, m, _ = date:match(pattern2)
local yy, mm = tonumber(y), tonumber(m)
if yy and mm and yy > 2000 and yy < 2100 and mm > 0 and mm < 13 then
return yy .. '년 ' .. mm .. '월'
return date
-- Box class definition
local MessageBox = {}
MessageBox.__index = MessageBox
function MessageBox.new(boxType, args, cfg)
args = args or {}
local obj = {}
-- Set the title object and the namespace.
obj.title = getTitleObject(args.page) or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
-- Set the config for our box type.
obj.cfg = cfg[boxType]
if not obj.cfg then
local ns = obj.title.namespace
-- boxType is "mbox" or invalid input
if ns == 0 then
obj.cfg = cfg.ambox -- main namespace
elseif ns == 6 then
obj.cfg = cfg.imbox -- file namespace
elseif ns == 14 then
obj.cfg = cfg.cmbox -- category namespace
local nsTable = mw.site.namespaces[ns]
if nsTable and nsTable.isTalk then
obj.cfg = cfg.tmbox -- any talk namespace
obj.cfg = cfg.ombox -- other namespaces or invalid input
-- Set the arguments, and remove all blank arguments except for the ones
-- listed in cfg.allowBlankParams.
local newArgs = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if v ~= '' then
newArgs[k] = v
for i, param in ipairs(obj.cfg.allowBlankParams or {}) do
newArgs[param] = args[param]
obj.args = newArgs
-- Define internal data structure.
obj.categories = {}
obj.classes = {}
return setmetatable(obj, MessageBox)
function MessageBox:addCat(ns, cat, sort)
if not cat then
return nil
if sort then
cat = string.format('[[분류:%s|%s]]', cat, sort)
cat = string.format('[[분류:%s]]', cat)
self.categories[ns] = self.categories[ns] or {}
table.insert(self.categories[ns], cat)
function MessageBox:addClass(class)
if not class then
return nil
table.insert(self.classes, class)
function MessageBox:setParameters()
local args = self.args
local cfg = self.cfg
-- Get type data.
self.type = args.type
local typeData = cfg.types[self.type]
self.invalidTypeError = cfg.showInvalidTypeError
and self.type
and not typeData
typeData = typeData or cfg.types[cfg.default]
self.typeClass = typeData.class
self.typeImage = typeData.image
-- Find if the box has been wrongly substituted.
self.isSubstituted = cfg.substCheck and args.subst == 'SUBST'
-- Find whether we are using a small message box.
self.isSmall = cfg.allowSmall and (
cfg.smallParam and args.small == cfg.smallParam
or not cfg.smallParam and yesno(args.small)
-- Add attributes, classes and styles.
self.id = args.id
cfg.usePlainlinksParam and yesno(args.plainlinks or true) and 'plainlinks'
for _, class in ipairs(cfg.classes or {}) do
if self.isSmall then
self:addClass(cfg.smallClass or 'mbox-small')
self.style = args.style
self.attrs = args.attrs
-- Set text style.
self.textstyle = args.textstyle
-- Find if we are on the template page or not. This functionality is only
-- used if useCollapsibleTextFields is set, or if both cfg.templateCategory
-- and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName are set.
self.useCollapsibleTextFields = cfg.useCollapsibleTextFields
if self.useCollapsibleTextFields
or cfg.templateCategory
and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName
self.name = args.name
if self.name then
local templateName = mw.ustring.match(
) or self.name
templateName = 'Template:' .. templateName
self.templateTitle = getTitleObject(templateName)
self.isTemplatePage = self.templateTitle
and mw.title.equals(self.title, self.templateTitle)
-- Process data for collapsible text fields. At the moment these are only
-- used in {{ambox}}.
if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then
-- Get the self.issue value.
if self.isSmall and args.smalltext then
self.issue = args.smalltext
local sect
if args.sect == '' then
sect = 'This ' .. (cfg.sectionDefault or 'page')
elseif type(args.sect) == 'string' then
sect = 'This ' .. args.sect
local issue = args.issue
issue = type(issue) == 'string' and issue ~= '' and issue or nil
local text = args.text
text = type(text) == 'string' and text or nil
local issues = {}
table.insert(issues, sect)
table.insert(issues, issue)
table.insert(issues, text)
self.issue = table.concat(issues, ' ')
-- Get the self.talk value.
local talk = args.talk
-- Show talk links on the template page or template subpages if the talk
-- parameter is blank.
if talk == ''
and self.templateTitle
and (
mw.title.equals(self.templateTitle, self.title)
or self.title:isSubpageOf(self.templateTitle)
talk = '#'
elseif talk == '' then
talk = nil
if talk then
-- If the talk value is a talk page, make a link to that page. Else
-- assume that it's a section heading, and make a link to the talk
-- page of the current page with that section heading.
local talkTitle = getTitleObject(talk)
local talkArgIsTalkPage = true
if not talkTitle or not talkTitle.isTalkPage then
talkArgIsTalkPage = false
talkTitle = getTitleObject(
if talkTitle and talkTitle.exists then
local talkText = '내용에 대한 의견이 있으시다면 '
if talkArgIsTalkPage then
talkText = string.format(
'%s [[%s|%s]]에서 나누어 주세요.',
talkText = string.format(
'%s [[%s#%s|토론 문서]]에서 나누어 주세요.',
self.talk = talkText
-- Get other values.
self.fix = args.fix ~= '' and args.fix or nil
local date
if args.date and args.date ~= '' then
date = args.date
elseif args.date == '' and self.isTemplatePage then
date = lang:formatDate('Y년 n월')
if date then
self.date = string.format(" <small>(%s)</small>", date)
self.info = args.info
-- Set the non-collapsible text field. At the moment this is used by all box
-- types other than ambox, and also by ambox when small=yes.
if self.isSmall then
self.text = args.smalltext or args.text
self.text = args.text
-- Set the below row.
self.below = cfg.below and args.below
-- General image settings.
self.imageCellDiv = not self.isSmall and cfg.imageCellDiv
self.imageEmptyCell = cfg.imageEmptyCell
if cfg.imageEmptyCellStyle then
self.imageEmptyCellStyle = 'border:none;padding:0px;width:1px'
-- Left image settings.
local imageLeft = self.isSmall and args.smallimage or args.image
if cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'blank' and imageLeft ~= 'none'
or not cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'none'
self.imageLeft = imageLeft
if not imageLeft then
local imageSize = self.isSmall
and (cfg.imageSmallSize or '30x30px')
or '40x40px'
self.imageLeft = string.format('[[File:%s|%s|link=|alt=]]', self.typeImage
or 'Imbox notice.png', imageSize)
-- Right image settings.
local imageRight = self.isSmall and args.smallimageright or args.imageright
if not (cfg.imageRightNone and imageRight == 'none') then
self.imageRight = imageRight
function MessageBox:setMainspaceCategories()
local args = self.args
local cfg = self.cfg
if not cfg.allowMainspaceCategories then
return nil
local nums = {}
for _, prefix in ipairs{'cat', 'category', 'all'} do
args[prefix .. '1'] = args[prefix]
nums = union(nums, getArgNums(args, prefix))
-- The following is roughly equivalent to the old {{Ambox/category}}.
local date = args.date
date = type(date) == 'string' and date
local preposition = 'from'
for _, num in ipairs(nums) do
local mainCat = args['cat' .. tostring(num)]
or args['category' .. tostring(num)]
local allCat = args['all' .. tostring(num)]
mainCat = type(mainCat) == 'string' and mainCat
allCat = type(allCat) == 'string' and allCat
if mainCat and date and date ~= '' then
local catTitle = string.format('%s/%s', mainCat, date)
self:addCat(0, catTitle)
catTitle = getTitleObject('분류:' .. catTitle)
if not catTitle or not catTitle.exists then
self:addCat(0, '지정 날짜가 올바르지 않은 틀이 있는 문서')
elseif mainCat and (not date or date == '') then
self:addCat(0, mainCat)
if allCat then
self:addCat(0, allCat)
function MessageBox:setTemplateCategories()
local args = self.args
local cfg = self.cfg
-- Add template categories.
if cfg.templateCategory then
if cfg.templateCategoryRequireName then
if self.isTemplatePage then
self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory)
elseif not self.title.isSubpage then
self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory)
-- Add template error categories.
if cfg.templateErrorCategory then
local templateErrorCategory = cfg.templateErrorCategory
local templateCat, templateSort
if not self.name and not self.title.isSubpage then
templateCat = templateErrorCategory
elseif self.isTemplatePage then
local paramsToCheck = cfg.templateErrorParamsToCheck or {}
local count = 0
for i, param in ipairs(paramsToCheck) do
if not args[param] then
count = count + 1
if count > 0 then
templateCat = templateErrorCategory
templateSort = tostring(count)
if self.categoryNums and #self.categoryNums > 0 then
templateCat = templateErrorCategory
templateSort = 'C'
self:addCat(10, templateCat, templateSort)
function MessageBox:setAllNamespaceCategories()
-- Set categories for all namespaces.
if self.invalidTypeError then
local allSort = (self.title.namespace == 0 and 'Main:' or '') .. self.title.prefixedText
self:addCat('all', '잘못된 누리위키 알림 상자', allSort)
if self.isSubstituted then
self:addCat('all', '잘못 치환된 틀을 사용한 문서')
function MessageBox:setCategories()
if self.title.namespace == 0 then
elseif self.title.namespace == 10 then
function MessageBox:renderCategories()
-- Convert category tables to strings and pass them through
-- [[Module:Category handler]].
return categoryHandler{
main = table.concat(self.categories[0] or {}),
template = table.concat(self.categories[10] or {}),
all = table.concat(self.categories.all or {}),
nocat = self.args.nocat,
page = self.args.page
function MessageBox:export()
local root = mw.html.create()
-- Add the subst check error.
if self.isSubstituted and self.name then
'<code>%s[[틀:%s|%s]]%s</code> 틀이 잘못 치환되었습니다.',
mw.text.nowiki('{{'), self.name, self.name, mw.text.nowiki('}}')
-- Create the box table.
local boxTable = root:tag('table')
boxTable:attr('id', self.id or nil)
for i, class in ipairs(self.classes or {}) do
boxTable:addClass(class or nil)
:cssText(self.style or nil)
:attr('role', 'presentation')
if self.attrs then
-- Add the left-hand image.
local row = boxTable:tag('tr')
if self.imageLeft then
local imageLeftCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-image')
if self.imageCellDiv then
-- If we are using a div, redefine imageLeftCell so that the image
-- is inside it. Divs use style="width: 52px;", which limits the
-- image width to 52px. If any images in a div are wider than that,
-- they may overlap with the text or cause other display problems.
imageLeftCell = imageLeftCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px')
imageLeftCell:wikitext(self.imageLeft or nil)
elseif self.imageEmptyCell then
-- Some message boxes define an empty cell if no image is specified, and
-- some don't. The old template code in templates where empty cells are
-- specified gives the following hint: "No image. Cell with some width
-- or padding necessary for text cell to have 100% width."
:cssText(self.imageEmptyCellStyle or nil)
-- Add the text.
local textCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-text')
if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then
-- The message box uses advanced text parameters that allow things to be
-- collapsible. At the moment, only ambox uses this.
textCell:cssText(self.textstyle or nil)
local textCellSpan = textCell:tag('span')
:wikitext(self.issue or nil)
if not self.isSmall then
:wikitext(self.talk and (' ' .. self.talk) or nil)
:wikitext(self.fix and ('<br />' .. self.fix) or nil)
textCellSpan:wikitext(self.date and (' ' .. self.date) or nil)
if not self.isSmall then
:wikitext(self.info and (' ' .. self.info) or nil)
-- Default text formatting - anything goes.
:cssText(self.textstyle or nil)
:wikitext(self.text or nil)
-- Add the right-hand image.
if self.imageRight then
local imageRightCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-imageright')
if self.imageCellDiv then
-- If we are using a div, redefine imageRightCell so that the image
-- is inside it.
imageRightCell = imageRightCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px')
:wikitext(self.imageRight or nil)
-- Add the below row.
if self.below then
:attr('colspan', self.imageRight and '3' or '2')
:cssText(self.textstyle or nil)
:wikitext(self.below or nil)
-- Add error message for invalid type parameters.
if self.invalidTypeError then
:css('text-align', 'center')
'이 메시지 상자는 유효하지 않은 "type=%s" 변수를 사용하고 있으므로 수정이 필요합니다.',
self.type or ''
-- Add categories.
root:wikitext(self:renderCategories() or nil)
return tostring(root)
-- Exports
local p, mt = {}, {}
function p._exportClasses()
-- For testing.
return {
MessageBox = MessageBox
function p.main(boxType, args, cfgTables)
local newargs = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
newargs[localize.arg_map[k] or k] = v
if newargs.type ~= nil then
newargs.type = localize.type_map[newargs.type] or newargs.type
if newargs.small ~= nil then
newargs.small = localize.small_map[newargs.small] or newargs.small
if newargs.image == '없음' then newargs.image = 'none' end
if newargs.imageright == '없음' then newargs.imageright = 'none' end
if newargs.smallimage == '없음' then newargs.smallimage = 'none' end
if newargs.smallimageright == '없음' then newargs.smallimageright = 'none' end
if newargs.date then newargs.date = getDate(newargs.date) end
local box = MessageBox.new(boxType, newargs, cfgTables or mw.loadData('Module:Message box/configuration'))
return box:export()
function mt.__index(t, k)
return function (frame)
if not getArgs then
getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
return t.main(k, getArgs(frame, {trim = false, removeBlanks = false}))
return setmetatable(p, mt)
== 모듈:Check for unknown parameters ==
-- This module may be used to compare the arguments passed to the parent
-- with a list of arguments, returning a specified result if an argument is
-- not on the list
local p = {}
local function trim(s)
return s:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$')
local function isnotempty(s)
return s and s:match('%S')
local function clean(text)
-- Return text cleaned for display and truncated if too long.
-- Strip markers are replaced with dummy text representing the original wikitext.
local pos, truncated
local function truncate(text)
if truncated then
return ''
if mw.ustring.len(text) > 25 then
truncated = true
text = mw.ustring.sub(text, 1, 25) .. '...'
return mw.text.nowiki(text)
local parts = {}
for before, tag, remainder in text:gmatch('([^\127]*)\127[^\127]*%-(%l+)%-[^\127]*\127()') do
pos = remainder
table.insert(parts, truncate(before) .. '&lt;' .. tag .. '&gt;...&lt;/' .. tag .. '&gt;')
table.insert(parts, truncate(text:sub(pos or 1)))
return table.concat(parts)
function p._check(args, pargs)
if type(args) ~= "table" or type(pargs) ~= "table" then
-- TODO: error handling
-- create the list of known args, regular expressions, and the return string
local knownargs = {}
local regexps = {}
for k, v in pairs(args) do
if type(k) == 'number' then
v = trim(v)
knownargs[v] = 1
elseif k:find('^regexp[1-9][0-9]*$') then
table.insert(regexps, '^' .. v .. '$')
-- loop over the parent args, and make sure they are on the list
local ignoreblank = isnotempty(args['ignoreblank'])
local showblankpos = isnotempty(args['showblankpositional'])
local values = {}
for k, v in pairs(pargs) do
if type(k) == 'string' and knownargs[k] == nil then
local knownflag = false
for _, regexp in ipairs(regexps) do
if mw.ustring.match(k, regexp) then
knownflag = true
if not knownflag and ( not ignoreblank or isnotempty(v) )  then
table.insert(values, clean(k))
elseif type(k) == 'number' and knownargs[tostring(k)] == nil then
local knownflag = false
for _, regexp in ipairs(regexps) do
if mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), regexp) then
knownflag = true
if not knownflag and ( showblankpos or isnotempty(v) ) then
table.insert(values, k .. ' = ' .. clean(v))
-- add results to the output tables
local res = {}
if #values > 0 then
local unknown_text = args['unknown'] or 'Found _VALUE_, '
if mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "{{REVISIONID}}" ) == "" then
local preview_text = args['preview']
if isnotempty(preview_text) then
preview_text = require('Module:If preview')._warning({preview_text})
elseif preview == nil then
preview_text = unknown_text
unknown_text = preview_text
for _, v in pairs(values) do
-- Fix odd bug for | = which gets stripped to the empty string and
-- breaks category links
if v == '' then v = ' ' end
-- avoid error with v = 'example%2' ("invalid capture index")
local r = unknown_text:gsub('_VALUE_', {_VALUE_ = v})
table.insert(res, r)
return table.concat(res)
function p.check(frame)
local args = frame.args
local pargs = frame:getParent().args
return p._check(args, pargs)
return p

2023년 2월 21일 (화) 12:51 기준 최신판

여기는 누리위키의 연습장입니다.

  • 자유롭게 연습하세요.
  • 연습장이라고 예외는 아닙니다. 이유없는 비방이나 저작권을 침해하는 내용은 편집됩니다.
  • 연습장에 연습한 내용은 다른 사용자가 지울 수 있습니다. 주의하세요.
  • 연습장에 대한 토론은 토론:연습장에서 해주세요.


ㅁㅁㅁ--2013년 9월 14일 (토) 18:49 (UTC)





미디어 위키는 이런 식이군요. 생각보다 편집기가 괜찮은데요?

최면의 정의[편집]

최면을 무엇이라고 보는가에 대해서 다양한 의견들이 존재한다. 각 의견은 서로 상충되는 경우도 있으며 의사, 최면가, 마술사 등 최면을 사용하는 직업군에 따라 최면에 대한 서로 다른 의견을 갖는다.

  • 최면이란, 주의집중과 시술자의 일련의 암시조작(언어와 음)으로 야기된 특수한 심리ㆍ생리적 상태이다. 그리고 피최면자의 의식은 좁아지고 시술자의 지시ㆍ명령만을 받아들이며 그의 의지에 따라 움직인다.[1]
  1. ^ 간호학대사전, 대한간호학회, 1996.3.1, 한국사전연구사


테스트-- 2015년 1월 21일 (수) 21:54 (KST)




제곧내 --mintcandy (토론) 2015년 2월 3일 (화) 17:56 (KST)


Red Apple.jpg

누리위키는 취소선을 허용 하나요?[편집]

작성 규정을 어디서 봐야하징 -WikiHK (토론) 2015년 5월 16일 (토) 14:13 (KST)

취소선 테스트[편집]

테스트와 누리위키










테스트4 가나다라마바사 아자차카타파하



math 테스트[편집]

<math>\mathbf{a'}=\mathbf{a} - \boldsymbol{\alpha}\;</math> [math]\mathbf{a'}=\mathbf{a} - \boldsymbol{\alpha}\;[/math]

관련 문[편집]

{{#related:Test with read more}} {{#related:Another test page}}


  1. 개요
  2. 주요일정
No. Activity Contents
1 Analysis As-Is
2 Design To-Be
3 Implementation Test
  1. 투입비용
  2. 투입인력
  3. 참고문서
  4. 맺음말

만주피라미드 φΧχΨὓὔὗԅИӂٌَُِةئئ٧٥٥‌‌ݫۯژڔړݲڏখঘঞীডডௐ௸ఞటඟඥඦॅोौળิฝมยรຣ໐໌໑໓

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Imege 88.png[2]

만주피라미드를 소개합니다.


모듈:Message box[편집]

-- This is a meta-module for producing message box templates, including -- 틀:Mbox, 스크립트 오류: "Message box" 모듈이 없습니다., 틀:Imbox, 틀:Tmbox, 스크립트 오류: "Message box" 모듈이 없습니다., 스크립트 오류: "Message box" 모듈이 없습니다. and 스크립트 오류: "Message box" 모듈이 없습니다..

-- Load necessary modules. require('strict') local getArgs local categoryHandler = require('Module:Category handler')._main local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local localize = mw.loadData('Module:Message box/localize')

-- Get a language object for formatDate and ucfirst. local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

-- Helper functions

local function getTitleObject(...) -- Get the title object, passing the function through pcall -- in case we are over the expensive function count limit. local success, title = pcall(mw.title.new, ...) if success then return title end end

local function union(t1, t2) -- Returns the union of two arrays. local vals = {} for i, v in ipairs(t1) do vals[v] = true end for i, v in ipairs(t2) do vals[v] = true end local ret = {} for k in pairs(vals) do table.insert(ret, k) end table.sort(ret) return ret end

local function getArgNums(args, prefix) local nums = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do local num = mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$') if num then table.insert(nums, tonumber(num)) end end table.sort(nums) return nums end

local function getDate(date) -- convert yyyy-mm or yyyy-mm-dd to 'yyyy년 m월' local pattern1 = '^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)$' local pattern2 = '^(%d%d%d%d)-(%d%d?)-(%d%d?)$'

if date then local y, m, _

y, m = date:match(pattern1) if not y then y, m, _ = date:match(pattern2) end

local yy, mm = tonumber(y), tonumber(m)

if yy and mm and yy > 2000 and yy < 2100 and mm > 0 and mm < 13 then return yy .. '년 ' .. mm .. '월' end end

return date end

-- Box class definition

local MessageBox = {} MessageBox.__index = MessageBox

function MessageBox.new(boxType, args, cfg) args = args or {} local obj = {}

-- Set the title object and the namespace. obj.title = getTitleObject(args.page) or mw.title.getCurrentTitle()

-- Set the config for our box type. obj.cfg = cfg[boxType] if not obj.cfg then local ns = obj.title.namespace -- boxType is "mbox" or invalid input if ns == 0 then obj.cfg = cfg.ambox -- main namespace elseif ns == 6 then obj.cfg = cfg.imbox -- file namespace elseif ns == 14 then obj.cfg = cfg.cmbox -- category namespace else local nsTable = mw.site.namespaces[ns] if nsTable and nsTable.isTalk then obj.cfg = cfg.tmbox -- any talk namespace else obj.cfg = cfg.ombox -- other namespaces or invalid input end end end

-- Set the arguments, and remove all blank arguments except for the ones -- listed in cfg.allowBlankParams. do local newArgs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if v ~= then newArgs[k] = v end end for i, param in ipairs(obj.cfg.allowBlankParams or {}) do newArgs[param] = args[param] end obj.args = newArgs end

-- Define internal data structure. obj.categories = {} obj.classes = {}

return setmetatable(obj, MessageBox) end

function MessageBox:addCat(ns, cat, sort) if not cat then return nil end if sort then cat = string.format(, cat, sort) else cat = string.format(, cat) end self.categories[ns] = self.categories[ns] or {} table.insert(self.categories[ns], cat) end

function MessageBox:addClass(class) if not class then return nil end table.insert(self.classes, class) end

function MessageBox:setParameters() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg

-- Get type data. self.type = args.type local typeData = cfg.types[self.type] self.invalidTypeError = cfg.showInvalidTypeError and self.type and not typeData typeData = typeData or cfg.types[cfg.default] self.typeClass = typeData.class self.typeImage = typeData.image

-- Find if the box has been wrongly substituted. self.isSubstituted = cfg.substCheck and args.subst == 'SUBST'

-- Find whether we are using a small message box. self.isSmall = cfg.allowSmall and ( cfg.smallParam and args.small == cfg.smallParam or not cfg.smallParam and yesno(args.small) )

-- Add attributes, classes and styles. self.id = args.id self:addClass( cfg.usePlainlinksParam and yesno(args.plainlinks or true) and 'plainlinks' ) for _, class in ipairs(cfg.classes or {}) do self:addClass(class) end if self.isSmall then self:addClass(cfg.smallClass or 'mbox-small') end self:addClass(self.typeClass) self:addClass(args.class) self.style = args.style self.attrs = args.attrs

-- Set text style. self.textstyle = args.textstyle

-- Find if we are on the template page or not. This functionality is only -- used if useCollapsibleTextFields is set, or if both cfg.templateCategory -- and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName are set. self.useCollapsibleTextFields = cfg.useCollapsibleTextFields if self.useCollapsibleTextFields or cfg.templateCategory and cfg.templateCategoryRequireName then self.name = args.name if self.name then local templateName = mw.ustring.match( self.name, '^[tT][eE][mM][pP][lL][aA][tT][eE][%s_]*:[%s_]*(.*)$' ) or self.name templateName = 'Template:' .. templateName self.templateTitle = getTitleObject(templateName) end self.isTemplatePage = self.templateTitle and mw.title.equals(self.title, self.templateTitle) end

-- Process data for collapsible text fields. At the moment these are only -- used in 스크립트 오류: "Message box" 모듈이 없습니다.. if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then -- Get the self.issue value. if self.isSmall and args.smalltext then self.issue = args.smalltext else local sect if args.sect == then sect = 'This ' .. (cfg.sectionDefault or 'page') elseif type(args.sect) == 'string' then sect = 'This ' .. args.sect end local issue = args.issue issue = type(issue) == 'string' and issue ~= and issue or nil local text = args.text text = type(text) == 'string' and text or nil local issues = {} table.insert(issues, sect) table.insert(issues, issue) table.insert(issues, text) self.issue = table.concat(issues, ' ') end

-- Get the self.talk value. local talk = args.talk -- Show talk links on the template page or template subpages if the talk -- parameter is blank. if talk == and self.templateTitle and ( mw.title.equals(self.templateTitle, self.title) or self.title:isSubpageOf(self.templateTitle) ) then talk = '#' elseif talk == then talk = nil end if talk then -- If the talk value is a talk page, make a link to that page. Else -- assume that it's a section heading, and make a link to the talk -- page of the current page with that section heading. local talkTitle = getTitleObject(talk) local talkArgIsTalkPage = true if not talkTitle or not talkTitle.isTalkPage then talkArgIsTalkPage = false talkTitle = getTitleObject( self.title.text, mw.site.namespaces[self.title.namespace].talk.id ) end if talkTitle and talkTitle.exists then local talkText = '내용에 대한 의견이 있으시다면 ' if talkArgIsTalkPage then talkText = string.format( '%s %s에서 나누어 주세요.', talkText, talk, talkTitle.prefixedText ) else talkText = string.format( '%s 토론 문서에서 나누어 주세요.', talkText, talkTitle.prefixedText, talk ) end self.talk = talkText end end

-- Get other values. self.fix = args.fix ~= and args.fix or nil local date if args.date and args.date ~= then date = args.date elseif args.date == and self.isTemplatePage then date = lang:formatDate('Y년 n월') end if date then self.date = string.format(" (%s)", date) end self.info = args.info end

-- Set the non-collapsible text field. At the moment this is used by all box -- types other than ambox, and also by ambox when small=yes. if self.isSmall then self.text = args.smalltext or args.text else self.text = args.text end

-- Set the below row. self.below = cfg.below and args.below

-- General image settings. self.imageCellDiv = not self.isSmall and cfg.imageCellDiv self.imageEmptyCell = cfg.imageEmptyCell if cfg.imageEmptyCellStyle then self.imageEmptyCellStyle = 'border:none;padding:0px;width:1px' end

-- Left image settings. local imageLeft = self.isSmall and args.smallimage or args.image if cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'blank' and imageLeft ~= 'none' or not cfg.imageCheckBlank and imageLeft ~= 'none' then self.imageLeft = imageLeft if not imageLeft then local imageSize = self.isSmall and (cfg.imageSmallSize or '30x30px') or '40x40px' self.imageLeft = string.format('%s', self.typeImage or 'Imbox notice.png', imageSize) end end

-- Right image settings. local imageRight = self.isSmall and args.smallimageright or args.imageright if not (cfg.imageRightNone and imageRight == 'none') then self.imageRight = imageRight end end

function MessageBox:setMainspaceCategories() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg

if not cfg.allowMainspaceCategories then return nil end

local nums = {} for _, prefix in ipairs{'cat', 'category', 'all'} do args[prefix .. '1'] = args[prefix] nums = union(nums, getArgNums(args, prefix)) end

-- The following is roughly equivalent to the old 틀:Ambox/category. local date = args.date date = type(date) == 'string' and date local preposition = 'from' for _, num in ipairs(nums) do local mainCat = args['cat' .. tostring(num)] or args['category' .. tostring(num)] local allCat = args['all' .. tostring(num)] mainCat = type(mainCat) == 'string' and mainCat allCat = type(allCat) == 'string' and allCat if mainCat and date and date ~= then local catTitle = string.format('%s/%s', mainCat, date) self:addCat(0, catTitle) catTitle = getTitleObject('분류:' .. catTitle) if not catTitle or not catTitle.exists then self:addCat(0, '지정 날짜가 올바르지 않은 틀이 있는 문서') end elseif mainCat and (not date or date == ) then self:addCat(0, mainCat) end if allCat then self:addCat(0, allCat) end end end

function MessageBox:setTemplateCategories() local args = self.args local cfg = self.cfg

-- Add template categories. if cfg.templateCategory then if cfg.templateCategoryRequireName then if self.isTemplatePage then self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory) end elseif not self.title.isSubpage then self:addCat(10, cfg.templateCategory) end end

-- Add template error categories. if cfg.templateErrorCategory then local templateErrorCategory = cfg.templateErrorCategory local templateCat, templateSort if not self.name and not self.title.isSubpage then templateCat = templateErrorCategory elseif self.isTemplatePage then local paramsToCheck = cfg.templateErrorParamsToCheck or {} local count = 0 for i, param in ipairs(paramsToCheck) do if not args[param] then count = count + 1 end end if count > 0 then templateCat = templateErrorCategory templateSort = tostring(count) end if self.categoryNums and #self.categoryNums > 0 then templateCat = templateErrorCategory templateSort = 'C' end end self:addCat(10, templateCat, templateSort) end end

function MessageBox:setAllNamespaceCategories() -- Set categories for all namespaces. if self.invalidTypeError then local allSort = (self.title.namespace == 0 and 'Main:' or ) .. self.title.prefixedText self:addCat('all', '잘못된 누리위키 알림 상자', allSort) end if self.isSubstituted then self:addCat('all', '잘못 치환된 틀을 사용한 문서') end end

function MessageBox:setCategories() if self.title.namespace == 0 then self:setMainspaceCategories() elseif self.title.namespace == 10 then self:setTemplateCategories() end self:setAllNamespaceCategories() end

function MessageBox:renderCategories() -- Convert category tables to strings and pass them through -- Module:Category handler. return categoryHandler{ main = table.concat(self.categories[0] or {}), template = table.concat(self.categories[10] or {}), all = table.concat(self.categories.all or {}), nocat = self.args.nocat, page = self.args.page } end

function MessageBox:export() local root = mw.html.create()

-- Add the subst check error. if self.isSubstituted and self.name then root:tag('b') :addClass('error') :wikitext(string.format( '%s%s%s 틀이 잘못 치환되었습니다.', mw.text.nowiki('틀:'), self.name, self.name, mw.text.nowiki('') )) end

-- Create the box table. local boxTable = root:tag('table') boxTable:attr('id', self.id or nil) for i, class in ipairs(self.classes or {}) do boxTable:addClass(class or nil) end boxTable :cssText(self.style or nil) :attr('role', 'presentation')

if self.attrs then boxTable:attr(self.attrs) end

-- Add the left-hand image. local row = boxTable:tag('tr') if self.imageLeft then local imageLeftCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-image') if self.imageCellDiv then -- If we are using a div, redefine imageLeftCell so that the image -- is inside it. Divs use style="width: 52px;", which limits the -- image width to 52px. If any images in a div are wider than that, -- they may overlap with the text or cause other display problems. imageLeftCell = imageLeftCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px') end imageLeftCell:wikitext(self.imageLeft or nil) elseif self.imageEmptyCell then -- Some message boxes define an empty cell if no image is specified, and -- some don't. The old template code in templates where empty cells are -- specified gives the following hint: "No image. Cell with some width -- or padding necessary for text cell to have 100% width." row:tag('td') :addClass('mbox-empty-cell') :cssText(self.imageEmptyCellStyle or nil) end

-- Add the text. local textCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-text') if self.useCollapsibleTextFields then -- The message box uses advanced text parameters that allow things to be -- collapsible. At the moment, only ambox uses this. textCell:cssText(self.textstyle or nil) local textCellSpan = textCell:tag('span') textCellSpan :addClass('mbox-text-span') :wikitext(self.issue or nil) if not self.isSmall then textCellSpan:tag('span') :addClass('hide-when-compact') :wikitext(self.talk and (' ' .. self.talk) or nil) :wikitext(self.fix and ('
' .. self.fix) or nil) end textCellSpan:wikitext(self.date and (' ' .. self.date) or nil) if not self.isSmall then textCellSpan :tag('span') :addClass('hide-when-compact') :wikitext(self.info and (' ' .. self.info) or nil) end else -- Default text formatting - anything goes. textCell :cssText(self.textstyle or nil) :wikitext(self.text or nil) end

-- Add the right-hand image. if self.imageRight then local imageRightCell = row:tag('td'):addClass('mbox-imageright') if self.imageCellDiv then -- If we are using a div, redefine imageRightCell so that the image -- is inside it. imageRightCell = imageRightCell:tag('div'):css('width', '52px') end imageRightCell :wikitext(self.imageRight or nil) end

-- Add the below row. if self.below then boxTable:tag('tr') :tag('td') :attr('colspan', self.imageRight and '3' or '2') :addClass('mbox-text') :cssText(self.textstyle or nil) :wikitext(self.below or nil) end

-- Add error message for invalid type parameters. if self.invalidTypeError then root:tag('div') :css('text-align', 'center') :wikitext(string.format( '이 메시지 상자는 유효하지 않은 "type=%s" 변수를 사용하고 있으므로 수정이 필요합니다.', self.type or )) end

-- Add categories. root:wikitext(self:renderCategories() or nil)

return tostring(root) end

-- Exports

local p, mt = {}, {}

function p._exportClasses() -- For testing. return { MessageBox = MessageBox } end

function p.main(boxType, args, cfgTables) local newargs = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do newargs[localize.arg_map[k] or k] = v end if newargs.type ~= nil then newargs.type = localize.type_map[newargs.type] or newargs.type end if newargs.small ~= nil then newargs.small = localize.small_map[newargs.small] or newargs.small end

if newargs.image == '없음' then newargs.image = 'none' end if newargs.imageright == '없음' then newargs.imageright = 'none' end if newargs.smallimage == '없음' then newargs.smallimage = 'none' end if newargs.smallimageright == '없음' then newargs.smallimageright = 'none' end if newargs.date then newargs.date = getDate(newargs.date) end

local box = MessageBox.new(boxType, newargs, cfgTables or mw.loadData('Module:Message box/configuration')) box:setParameters() box:setCategories() return box:export() end

function mt.__index(t, k) return function (frame) if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end return t.main(k, getArgs(frame, {trim = false, removeBlanks = false})) end end

return setmetatable(p, mt)

모듈:Check for unknown parameters[편집]

-- This module may be used to compare the arguments passed to the parent -- with a list of arguments, returning a specified result if an argument is -- not on the list local p = {}

local function trim(s) return s:match('^%s*(.-)%s*$') end

local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match('%S') end

local function clean(text) -- Return text cleaned for display and truncated if too long. -- Strip markers are replaced with dummy text representing the original wikitext. local pos, truncated local function truncate(text) if truncated then return end if mw.ustring.len(text) > 25 then truncated = true text = mw.ustring.sub(text, 1, 25) .. '...' end return mw.text.nowiki(text) end local parts = {} for before, tag, remainder in text:gmatch('([^\127]*)\127[^\127]*%-(%l+)%-[^\127]*\127()') do pos = remainder table.insert(parts, truncate(before) .. '<' .. tag .. '>...</' .. tag .. '>') end table.insert(parts, truncate(text:sub(pos or 1))) return table.concat(parts) end

function p._check(args, pargs) if type(args) ~= "table" or type(pargs) ~= "table" then -- TODO: error handling return end

-- create the list of known args, regular expressions, and the return string local knownargs = {} local regexps = {} for k, v in pairs(args) do if type(k) == 'number' then v = trim(v) knownargs[v] = 1 elseif k:find('^regexp[1-9][0-9]*$') then table.insert(regexps, '^' .. v .. '$') end end

-- loop over the parent args, and make sure they are on the list local ignoreblank = isnotempty(args['ignoreblank']) local showblankpos = isnotempty(args['showblankpositional']) local values = {} for k, v in pairs(pargs) do if type(k) == 'string' and knownargs[k] == nil then local knownflag = false for _, regexp in ipairs(regexps) do if mw.ustring.match(k, regexp) then knownflag = true break end end if not knownflag and ( not ignoreblank or isnotempty(v) ) then table.insert(values, clean(k)) end elseif type(k) == 'number' and knownargs[tostring(k)] == nil then local knownflag = false for _, regexp in ipairs(regexps) do if mw.ustring.match(tostring(k), regexp) then knownflag = true break end end if not knownflag and ( showblankpos or isnotempty(v) ) then table.insert(values, k .. ' = ' .. clean(v)) end end end

-- add results to the output tables local res = {} if #values > 0 then local unknown_text = args['unknown'] or 'Found _VALUE_, '

if mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess( "33566" ) == "" then local preview_text = args['preview'] if isnotempty(preview_text) then preview_text = require('Module:If preview')._warning({preview_text}) elseif preview == nil then preview_text = unknown_text end unknown_text = preview_text end for _, v in pairs(values) do -- Fix odd bug for | = which gets stripped to the empty string and -- breaks category links if v == then v = ' ' end

-- avoid error with v = 'example%2' ("invalid capture index") local r = unknown_text:gsub('_VALUE_', {_VALUE_ = v}) table.insert(res, r) end end

return table.concat(res) end

function p.check(frame) local args = frame.args local pargs = frame:getParent().args return p._check(args, pargs) end

return p

  1. ^ 사과받으세요^^
  2. ^ 떠나세요^^